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Library Services and Resources for Distance Education Students: Instruct Infolit Modules

This LibGuide will provide valuable information on library services and resources available at John B. Cade Library.

Accessing Instruct off-campus

Welcome to the Instruct Information Literacy Modules. The modules are a good source if you need a refresher or additional help with how to do research. Feel free to utilize all the modules at your convenience or click on a selected module.  The Instruct modules can be accessed by clicking the hyperlink of the topics displayed.  Be sure to complete each module and quiz in each section.

SU Instructors

If you are a Southern University Instructor and would like to embed Instruct InfoLit Modules in your course(s), please complete the Information Literacy Modules Consultation form by clicking on the link below. For more information, please contact Ms. Payne at (225)771-2604 or email

  • Information Literacy Modules (Instruct) Consultation Form: The library provides consultations to help faculty integrate library Instruct Modules into their courses. These modules cover critical information literacy concepts, digital literacy skills, and research strategies, enhancing students’ learning experiences.

Login Information when working off-campus

You will be prompted to enter a USER NAME and PIN to view and complete Instruct Modules (See the image below).  This information verifies you as a Southern University Student and registered library user.  




*If you are having trouble signing into Instruct InfoLit Modules complete the Student Information Form and a librarian will contact you.

CLICK HERE to complete the Student Information Form


If you have any questions please feel free to contact.

Maletta Payne

Systems Administrator Librarian

John B. Cade Library

Telephone Number: (225)771-2604


Pre-Test/Post-Test Assessments