SUNY’s Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS)
OASIS is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier by searching multiple sources for OER (Open Educational Resources) and other open content at once. OASIS currently searches for open content from 79 source types and contains approximately 330,000 records.
CloudSource OA is a curated collection of Open Access digital content from the world’s leading scholarly publishers, covering a wide array of subjects. Begin your search for Open Educational Resources by entering your topic in the Cloud Source OA box below. You can search by Subject, Abstract, Author, DOI, Field of Study, and more. Open Access Content found in Cloud Source OA include open journal articles, dissertations, reports, data sets in addition to other formats. Click in the search box below to begin your search.
Institutional repositories (IRs) are not just for sharing copies of research articles and student theses. They can also be used to store and share OER. Although not every college shares OER through their institutional repository, the colleges below do share collections of OER specific to their institution:
*The LOUIS OER Commons is a repository of open resources aligned with the Louisiana statewide common course catalog. This repository also facilitates the creation of OER by Louisiana educators.
National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on (STEM) disciplines
AAPT ComPADRE Digital Library A network of free online resource collections supporting faculty, students, and teachers in Physics and Astronomy Education.
Includes links to open textbooks which have been approved by AIM to serve as the primary text in a mainstream mathematics at the undergraduate level. Also includes links to AIM's evaluation criteria and a guide for authors of open textbooks.
Wolfram MathWorld Open resources in math education.
Open Textbook Library – Computer Science & Information Systems
Free, openly licensed computer science texts by O'Reilly Media author Allen B. Downey.
NOTE: Works created by U.S. federal government agencies are usually, but not always, in the public domain. These works may be protected by copyrignt, in whole or in part, especially if they were created by private subcontractors or include any content originally created by private third parties. Always check to confirm that the resource does not contain any copyright notices before assuming that it's free to use as an OER.
Current and archived e-books in history, physics, astronomy, and space exploration
NASA For Educators: Search Educational resources for teachers and students, by topic, type, or grade level.
NASA multimedia science and technology resources.
Science and science education videos from astronomy to zoology.
Physical, environmental and life science research reports and multimedia from the Department of Energy.
Educational material and resources from the U.S. Geological Survey
Portal to resources from research repositories across the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration