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Reference Department: Policies


The Reference Reading Room is a designated quiet study area. Patrons are encouraged to refrain from engaging in conversation so as to maintain a quiet atmosphere conducive to study.

  • Group studying is available in the Group Study Rooms located in the area. Students with a group of 4 or more students are permitted to check-out a room with a valid Southern University Identification Card. 
  • Cell phones are to be turned off or placed on vibrate or mute when using the quiet study areas.
  • Laptops and other personal computing devices are welcomed in Reference. Users may connect personal equipment only to the wireless network, and should not be plugged into any of the computer workstations. Library equipment or cables may not be unplugged for any reason.
  • Electronic devices with headphones are permitted in the Reference Reading Room as long as the sound is inaudible to other patrons.
  • Eating is prohibited in the Reference Reading Room and study rooms. Students with food will be directed to the Student Center.
  • Children (up to 12 years old) using reference resources for educational purposes must be accompanied by a responsible adolescent or adult.