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Mentoring Books
Being an Effective Mentor by Kathleen Feeney Jonson (Editor)Experienced teachers and administrators know how important it is to give beginning teachers the support and advice they need. This incredibly straightforward and useful guide will help mentor teachers to develop effective mentoring strategies, including how to provide direct assistance, demonstration teaching, observation and feedback, informal contact, and role modelling. You'll also find monthly listings of activities designed to promote interaction between mentors and prot#65533;g#65533;s that correspond to activities and events occurring in a typical school year. Five additional resources, including a first-day checklist, provide valuable information and tools to help you mentor the beginning teacher. Headteachers, staff developers, university supervisors, beginning and experienced teachers will all find this book a useful tool to understanding the complex yet invaluable process of guidance, assistance, and support needed to help beginning teachers succeed.
ISBN: 9781412940610
Publication Date: 2008-04-17
How to Mentor in the Midst of Change by Cheryl Granade SullivanWhether in the context of a formal district-mandated program or in a grassroots effort, mentoring depends on the development of trust, respect, and communication between mentor and protégé. To be a mentor means to have a vision and enable others to participate in the vision and to go on to be mentors themselves. In this updated second edition, author Cheryl Sullivan expands on contemporary mentoring--its role as wise counselor in teacher induction and for administrative advancement--and examines new approaches evolving to help master a field that requires hard work and talent. Mentors and protégés, wannabes and maybes--all can benefit from Sullivan's direct, on-the-mark delineation of the guidelines and ideas for adults in mentoring roles in the 21st century.
ISBN: 9781416600091
Publication Date: 2004-06-01
Managers as Mentors by Chip R. BellMentoring in today's business community requires that leaders act more like partners toward coworkers. In this book, consultant Chip Bell provides techniques to help leaders avoid the hazards of hierarchy and focus on forming relationships with coworkers in which everyone learns from the interaction--and benefits the organization.
ISBN: 9781576750346
Publication Date: 1998-01-01
Managers As Mentors by Marshall Goldsmith (Foreword by); Chip R. Bell"Managers As Mentors" is a rapid-fire read and a provocative guide to helping associates grow and adapt in today's tumultuous organizations. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith place increased emphasis on the mentor as a learning catalyst for the prot�g� rather than someone who simply hands down knowledge - crucial for younger workers who prize growth opportunities even more than prior generations and who tend to distrust hierarchy.As with previous editions there is a fictional case study of a mentor-prot�g� relationship running through the book, but this is augmented with six actual case studies of top CEOs from organizations like The Nature Conservancy and Bloomin' Brands, who relate key mentoring experiences in their lives. The new chapters cover topics like the role of mentoring in spurring innovation and mentoring a diverse and dispersed workforce accustomed to interacting and getting information digitally. Also new to this edition is The Mentor's Toolkit, six resources to help in developing the mentor-prot�g� relationship. This hands-on guide takes the mystery out of effective mentoring, teaching leaders to be the kind of confident coaches integral to learning organizations.
ISBN: 9781609947101
Publication Date: 2013-06-03
Mentor and Protege Guides and Programs by Miranda L. Leclaire (Editor)Mentor-protege programs typically seek to pair new businesses with more experienced businesses in mutually beneficial relationships. Proteges may receive financial, technical, and/or management assistance from mentors in obtaining and performing federal contracts or subcontracts, or serving as suppliers under such contracts or subcontracts. Mentors may receive credit toward subcontracting goals, reimbursement of certain expenses, or other incentives. This book provides an overview of the various small business mentor-protege programs of the federal government, which are intended to assist small businesses in performing as contractors, subcontractors or suppliers on federal or federally funded contracts.
ISBN: 9781613248782
Publication Date: 2011-10-01
Mentorship of Special Educators by Jennifer Booker Madigan; Georganne Schroth-CavataioAttrition rates for special educators are exceptionally high ; approximately 13% leave the profession annually. New teachers frequently exit after only one or two years in the classroom. Quality teacher mentoring programs provide one effective remedy to this chronic problem. However, there is recent evidence that many new special educators don't have access to appropriate mentoring opportunities. The study, published in the January edition of Education Policy Analysis Archives, found that:even within a state that requires mentoring for all new teachers, only 64.4 percent of special education teachers reported access to a mentor, compared with 85.6 percent of general education teachers. The quality and length of the mentoring relationships that were available differed from district to district for both general and special education teachers, and did not always meet state requirements (reported by Sarah Sparks in Education Week Online, January 6th, 2011)The proposed title addresses this problem head-on. It is designed to serve as a practical and ready to use handbook for professionals who provide support and mentorship to special education teachers with a unique emphasis on working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. The authors provide in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of mentoring, mentor support for core responsibilities of special educators such as planning and conducting IEP meetings, as well as how mentors help special education teachers assume emerging responsibilities in today's inclusive schools, e.g., implementing RTI and Positive Behavior Support Plans. Reproducible tools and templates are provided for use by mentors and mentees.
ISBN: 9781452202884
Publication Date: 2011-11-18
Teachers as Mentors by Barbara Field (Editor); Terry FieldSchool-based teacher education is being implemented and this book explores the changing role and function of the supervisory teacher in the classroom.; The ramifications of the changes to pre-service teacher training are enormous. The staffing of some parts of universities will be affected dramatically; the distribution of funds will change; the tasks of many teachers in school will be different as they find themselves becoming teacher educators rather than supervisors in their new role as mentors. In this highly readable book, the Fields, through a series of case studies, drawn from the UK and Australia, focus on the changing roles and responsibilities of those central to the preparation of the next generation of teachers.; Chapters consider the overall effect that mentoring will have on the teaching profession. The book looks at the skills required by teachers and, in particular, the beginning teacher; the experiences of teachers in-training undergoing education programmes; teachers' supervisory roles; and how universities will be affected by the changes.; Practical guidance is given for teachers becoming mentors and how mentoring can lead to professional development and as a way forward in teachers' careers.
ISBN: 9780750703161
Publication Date: 1994-06-01
The Mentor Connection in Nursing by Connie Vance (Editor); Roberta K. Olson (Editor)Success. Job satisfaction. Leadership. How are these developed and nurtured in a nursing career? Can mentors make a difference? They can and do, according to this book---edited by two pioneering researchers in the field of nursing mentorship. Here they explore the conceptual and practical aspects of mentorship and what it means in nursing. They are joined by more than a hundred nurses, including nurse leaders such as Beverly Malone, Marla Salmon, and Joyce Fitzpatrick, who contribute stories, essays, and personal reflections on mentorship. Their voices, in addition to the editor's research, suggest that nurses are inventing a new, evolving, and very meaningful paradigm, which reaps mentorship's classic benefits: career success and advancement personal and professional satisfaction, enhanced self-esteem and confidence, preparation for leadership roles and succession, and strengthening of the profession. The book describes the dynamics of both informal mentor relationships and structured mentorship programs, such as those used in schools of nursing to help disadvantaged students. In addition to looking at education, the book describes how mentorship plays a role in the practice setting, in professional organizations, and with peers and groups, and how it promotes international and cross-cultural understanding.