Call Numbers “R- RZ” for medical and health books.
Find these books on the 4th Floor of the Library.
If you encounter any problems, please contact Ms. Payne at (225)771-2841, or by email:
R |
General Medicine. |
RA |
Public Aspects of Medicine. |
RB |
Pathology. |
RC |
Internal Medicine. Surgery. |
RD |
RE |
Ophthalmology. |
RF |
Ear, Nose, and Throat. |
RG |
Gynecology, Obstetrics. |
RJ |
Pediatrics. |
RK |
Dentistry. |
RL |
Dermatology. |
RM |
Therapeutics, Pharmacology. |
RS |
Pharmacy. |
RT |
Nursing. |
RV |
Botanic, Eclectic Medicine. |
RX |
Homeopathy. |
RZ |
Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Mental Healing. |