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Obituaries may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about research, but they are in fact, regarded as a resource for historians and family history hunters alike. Obituaries are often the missing link or the best starting point for many successful genealogy searches. They are mini-storylines of a person’s life often highlighting major occurrences between "born on" and "deceased on". They can tell you a lot about someone, which makes them invaluable in genealogical research.
This database displays obituaries of persons that were once affiliated with Southern University and A&M College. From members of the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to Faculty/Staff and Students.
Ministers and Pastors or (Graduates of Southern University)
Southern University Athletes
Founders and Sponsors of Southern University
Stone, Dr. Jesse Nealand Jr.
From a university President's driver and valet to the Presidency of the Southern University system; from the courtrooms of north Louisiana to the Louisiana State Supreme Court are paths taken by Jesse Nealand Stone Jr. He is the eldest of six children born to educators in Gibsland, LA. His father was a principal and his mother was a teacher, and they instilled in their children the value of an education and the responsibility that each person has to the community. Dr. Stone recognized the importance of these values his entire life and worked hard to lead a life that reflected them.