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Access to Health Literacy for Life: Learning the National Library of Medicine Resources Online

NLM and John B. Cade Library Partnership


 Welcome to the Access to Health Literacy for Life: Learning the National Library of Medicine Resources Online Research Informational Guide!

Please help the librarians to promote health literacy by taking the pre-test, selecting one or more from NLMs DailyMed, MEDLINE Plus and LitCovid, then completing the post-test.

 Southern University' s John B. Cade Library in partnership with the National Library of Medicine is helping African American communities to gain access to health literacy information for life. SU Cade Librarians Literacy for Life project ' s aim is to introduce, facilitate access to and train African Americans across generations to NLM in general with a specific menu of three (3) NLM online resources. The NLM health literacy resource training used by the librarians for this project are:

Southern University Librarians leads the project and is working collaboratively with community health experts staff and  volunteer community advisors offering training modules using NLM information resources to increase awareness, access and use of diabetes, heart disease, and COVID-19 NLM resources. Cade Library is the central command post for leadership and outreach and welcomes your participation to improve African Americans access to accurate health information. 

How to use this guide

Click on the blue tabs located on the left side the guide to navigate the NLM selected websites and feedback assessments.

Please help the librarians to promote health literacy by taking the pre-test, selecting one or more from NLMs DailyMed, MEDLINE Plus and LitCovid, then completing the post-test.

If you are unable to connect to the internet, please visit the Scotlandville Branch Library or the Baton Rouge Parish Library in your community in order to complete the health promotion learning activity.

If you have any questions, or need assistance please feel free to contact Ms. Payne at (225)771-2604.

Creative Commons License
Created by Maletta Payne. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.